Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Geeing back doon toon, man, it's reet canny there, like


I am off Up North for two weeks on Saturday to help my mum move house. I am travelling first class- how cool is that? You get free tea, coffee and packets of shortbread. And the chairs are nicer. And there's less chance of a madman coming to sit next to you, trying to touch your face and telling you that he is "looking for virgins" and has "about four or five planes".
Yes- first class will be a whole new world.

I am looking forward to my stay in good old NE2. Mainly because I'll get a break from my silly job as a rubbish waitress. No more polishing glasses! No more burning my hands on hot plates! No more being called "hey, girl, hey you girl there"! No more idiot boss telling me off for not pronouncing the T in water! For two weeks.

Yes, it will be nice to get away. A change of scene and all that jazz. On the downside I'll have only my family for company and no internet access. Boo.

I made up a well funny joke:
What do you call a cow that is a philosopher?

I told it to Daniel and he went "What? What? I don't get it. What's Camus?". That's because he is silly and uneducated- not like me.

Anyway- that's all from me for a while. Later daze.